Well it took a while but I eventually got it done, I think at least. So the first picture is my first hand drawn image which was apparently completely out of proportion. Apparently. Personally the only thing I noticed was her way to small hand. So after going on Pose Maniacs, finding a pose reasonably close to what I wanted and tracing around it, then finding a head and tracing around that (the original poses head was too pixelated to use) I had a perfectly proportioned person. Then came colouring, fortunately I got my graphics tablet in time so I was a happy bunny and considering I have hardly used one and never done digital art I think my shadowing and highlights of the jumpsuit, wrench, skin and boot turned out very well and I'm actually quite please with the result. Shocking I know, me, pleased with something I did. In fact the highlights and shadow were complete guess work, I had 2 reference images which I only partially used and the rest was simple guess work, I think it works though so what the hay but I have to say the Round Blunt Medium Stiff brush gives a really nice effect to the shadow and highlights. I tend to not use custom brushes I usually adapt my style to the tools instead of the tools to my style, I'm the same with games to and I just tend to put up with the defaults. The background was too boring so I decided to add a tool chest which is common sense really as she is a mechanic and I put her in the hangar bay as seeing as though that's where she works. In short I really am quite pleased with the result and it has really really come along way from the original drawing. Which is a very good thing indeed. On the whole I'm really, really pleased at how far I've come in such a short space of time. I honestly thought I wouldn't get anywhere but in truth I have and I'm pretty damn pleased too. I would have liked to have done better skin effects and shadowing but I think thats just something that will come with time and experience. For a first year drawing with no photoshop experience, I think its pretty bloody good.
So this is the failed first attempt |
and this is the second not so failed attempt |
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